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RIGHTS: The manual and the program mustn't be changed by anyone who has
not the permission of the programmer.
You may copy the COPCOL ED! If you use it,you should send 10DM or
$7 to:
Ludwig Huber
Wilhelm-Busch-Weg 14
86161 Augsburg
The CopColEd may be distributed freely.
CHANGES FROM V1.0: -new "flicker" mode now built-in
-when editing single lines,"UNDO" didn't work in some
cases;not anymore
-an error requester is now shown if not enough memory
was available or the req.library couldn't be found
-now you can save to the config a dir to load/save files
CHANGES FROM V1.1: -now the keyboard is used
-new Paint-mode built-in
-wrong description: flicker-mode can't simulate exactly
a 15bit-color because there is no brighter step to a
12bit-color of f.ex. $fff
To run CopCol Ed,you need to have the req.library in your LIBS: dir.
You should find this library on the CopColEd-DISK.
Req.library was written by Colin Fox (of Pyramyd Designs) and
Bruce Dawson (of CygnusSoft Software).Req.library is copyrighted.
CopCol Ed is an editor for colors that can be displayed using the Amiga's
COPPER.The program was made for PROGRAMMERS.
On the left side,there are most of the gadgets of CopCol Ed,a zoom window
of the selected Line and a display of numbers(S:Topline of right window;
L:selected line;R,G,B:RED,GREEN,BLUE).On the right side of the screen,there
is a window showing the colors as they will probably appear in you program.
Many Gadgets can also be accessed via the keyboard.Except the Esc,F1,F2 and
the HELP key,the keys correspond to the first character of a gadget's name.
You select a line in the right window by clicking on it.(use the right
slider to move in the whole colorlist)
Use the sliders on the left side to change the color of the selected Line.
ABOUT - See this text
BINARY/SOURCE - Here you select the type of data to be saved.Data can be
saved as binary-data or as Assembler source code.
ONLYCOLS/HARDWARE/OWNFTYPE - Here you select the type of data to be loaded
or saved.
ONLYCOLS:always 24bit-color data(dc.b RED,GREEN,BLUE)
HARDWARE:the data you'll probably want to write to the color
register (shape when 24bit-colors are selected:
dc.w normal12bit,lower12bits_with_bits_as_usual)
(shape when flickering is selected:
dc.w normal12bit_for_line_x_in_frame0,normal12bit_for_line_x_in_frame1)
OWNFTYPE:always binary-save;this is useful if you want to load a
edited colorlist again(a load restores some settings)
LOAD - loads data(with defined type) into the colorlist
SAVE - saves " " " " from " "
PREFS - LOAD CONFIG - loads the preferences
SAVE CONFIG - saves the preferences to "S:CopCol_ED.config"
To save also a special directory to load/save files
from,you have to load a file out of it and then save
the config.
NTSC/PAL - changes the screen size for pal/ntsc
24B-COLS/12B-COLS/FLICKER - Here you select the depth of the colors
to edit.
To edit with 24BIT-COLS you need to have AA-CHIPSET.
The flicker mode simulates colors with a depth of nearly
15bit.This is done by exchanging a color and a brighter
color to simulate a color between the two displayed.
The disadvantage here is that some colors flicker.I
didn't build in a 24bit-flicker option because you
wouldn't see a difference to a nonflicker AA-colorlist.
AUTOSET - resets all settings
SIZE:XXXX - Here you can choose(use left&right mousebutton) the
amount of lines to be edited and to be loaded(!).
CLRALL - sets all colors to black
SPREAD - sets the colors of the selected line to the line you click after
the "SPREAD" gadget.You can abort this operation by clicking a
second time on "SPREAD".
COPY - same as spread,but copies the selected line
UNDO - if you think that your last change in the colorlist was wrong,click
PAINT - enters the Paint-Mode.Here,you can edit a Picture of width=40 and
height=300 with 4096 colors.(8 Lores-Points correspond to 1 point
here).This strange mode can be done with the copper by just writing
color after color without waiting between the points in a line.
Then,to get to the next line,the wait is done as normal.As you see,
this thing bases on the constant speed of the copper.Up to
AA-Chipset,the speed of the copper hasn't changed.Hope that the
newer coppers will have a compatible mode.
12B-COLS/FLICKER - As in normal mode,flickering can also be done
here to simulate more colors.
NORM LINE/COPYPOINT... - These are the tools you get to paint with.
The system is:First,you click a point in
the edit-window,then select it's color and
finally use such a tool by clicking with
the right mousebutton on another point.
ZOOM - This de-/activates the zoom where all points are displayed
twice as big as normal.
LOAD,SAVE - to load/save these pictures.When you start it,you have
the choice between:
BINARY/SOURCE - This only affects HARDWARE saves
HARDWARE - save the raw data:if flickering is off,a
normal word of color data per point is written/loaded;
if flickering is on,is saves/loads 2words per flicker-
point(the even words for the 1st frame,the odd words
for the 2nd frame)
OWNFTYPE - own format like in normal mode
24bit-ILBM - Here,you can load/save an 24bit-IFF/ILBM
- Part of a 12bit-color copperlist:
dc.w $180,$fed ;move RED:15 GREEN:14 BLUE:13 to color0
- Part of a 24bit-color(AA-chipset) copperlist:
dc.w $180,$fed ;<-move RED:240 GREEN:224 BLUE:208 TO color0
dc.w $106,$0200 ;set bit9 in bplcon3: now change lower colorbits
dc.w $180,$123 ;<-move RED:241 GREEN:226 BLUE:211 to color0
dc.w $106,$0000 ;clr bit9 in bplcon3: now change upper colorbits
-When displaying a copper-picture from Paint mode,it only works to show
40 points per line when each line is waited to with an X-value of
$1f(copper: $3f).Like this wait:
dc.w $XX3f,$fffe ;where XX is the linenumber
***Two small Assembler-routines to test whether an Amiga has AA-chipset
***these two routines may be used&distributed in any way!
***RESULT: d0.l=0 means no_aa_chipset_present
When you have to use hardware registers:
-------------CUT HERE-------------
move.w $dff07c,d0
cmp.b #$f8,d0
bne.s noaachips
moveq #-1,d0
clr.l d0
-------------CUT HERE-------------
When you can use System-routines:
-------------CUT HERE-------------
SetChipRev=-888 ;only V39+
move.l $4,a6
lea aatst_graphname,a1
move.l #39,d0
jsr -552(A6)
tst.l d0
beq aatst_noV39
move.l d0,aatst_graphbase
move.l aatst_graphbase,a6
move.l #-1,d0
jsr setchiprev(A6) ;this is also done by c:setpatch of WB3.0
move.l aatst_graphbase,a0
btst #gfxb_aa_alice,gb_chiprevbits0(a0)
beq aatst_notpresent
move.l $4,a6
move.l aatst_graphbase,a1
jsr -414(a6)
moveq.l #-1,d0
move.l $4,a6
move.l aatst_graphbase,a1
jsr -414(a6)
clr.l d0
aatst_graphname:dc.b 'graphics.library',0
aatst_graphbase:dc.l 0
-------------CUT HERE-------------
- When programming a flicker-copperlist,you must show different colors in
each frame/screen/picture.You can either do this by setting the new colors
from a vertical blanking interrupt,but so,processor/blitter time would be
wasted.A better solution is to setup two copperlists in chipram (where
the two lists contain different colors).Then,you just have to always set
the address of the next copperlist to run to the copxlc-registers before
ending the copperlists.In this way,there is practically not more time
needed to display a flicker-colorlist than at a normal 12bit-colorlist.
Don't forget how to read such a colorlist that was saved with COPCOLED:
The 1st WORD for the even frames/pictures/screens,the 2nd WORD for the odd
frames/pictures/screens,the 3rd WORD for the even....
If you find bugs in my program,report them to me and don't forget to tell
me the conditions under which something happened(AXXXX,RAM?,68XXX).You can
also write me if something worries you in my programs or if you have new
ideas for improvements.
last changes in manual done on 14.2(FEBRUARY).1994
_ _ _
( ) ( )_( )
( )_ _ ( _ ) _ UUCP: midas@tomtec.abg.sub.org
(___) (_) (_) (_) (_)
The manual was written and COPCOL ED was programmed by Ludwig Huber.